Jamie Cowlishaw
Website // jamiecowlishaw.com
Instagram // jamie_cowlishaw
Where is home?
Leeds UK
If you could live anywhere on this awesome planet, where would you build your dream home?
Right now I’d have to say LA, or maybe Cape Town they both have a seem to be putting out loads of great photographers. Maybe it’s that beautiful soft golden sunlight. We don’t get that in Leeds!
What sort of work do you specialise in?
I wouldn’t like to say I specialise in any specific area of fashion or beauty, but most people seem to want me to shoot lingerie and beauty images at the minute.
What or who got you started in photography?
No, I accidentally fell into it after buying a DSLR camera.
I had no idea how to use it so I just started playing around with it, If you take away all the fancy settings and modes their actually really isn’t much to learn.
I remember looking for photography tuition books in Borders, But i was always more interested in the fashion photography books and magazines rather than learning the technical stuff.
I did spend hours in there just looking through all the fashion books, Waterstones just isn’t as good!
How long have you been a photographer?
Technically I’m not, Photography is just a hobby for me at present. Or maybe an addiction I’m not sure which describes it more accurately.
How would you describe your style?
I shoot loads of different styles as such, Im as happy shooting natural light as I am shooting studio beauty or on camera flash. If I had to describe the one quality that ties all my work together I did say simplicity.
Keeping it simple really is understated these days.
What type of cameras do you shoot with?
Im currently shooting with a Sony A7 for my natural light and location images and a Nikon D800 in the studio.
I shoot Nikon because thats the make of the first camera I bought, If id gotten a canon Id still be shooting canon. I do love the live view display on the sony though, it makes natural light shooting so much quicker.
Cameras are all so good these days I really don’t think anyone should be getting caught up in which make or model to use. Just get out there and shoot as much as possible.
If you had to choose one lens which one would it be and why?
Now that’s a tough question, for fashion I did take a fast 50mm every time, but that’s not much use for a beauty shoot! Can I have two? the second would be my sigma 150mm for the beauty.
Are you a MAC or PC lover?
I’m a MAC fan, mostly just for convenience.
What gives you ideas and inspires you to create such great imagery?
Im constantly looking at images and art, You can find inspiration all over, from a pose in a painting too a scene from a film.
When it comes to the shoot though I really get a buzz from a great model, Ive got to be excited by them or my hearts not 100% in it.
The model almost need to make me fall in love with them, even if its just for a few hours.
Can you describe its creation in regards to location, lighting, composition etc., also your thoughts when creating the image and what it means to you?
Its probably always the last image I shot, Id be really disappointed if I didn’t feel my latest images were better than those of 6 or 12 months ago.
A photographer who inspires you?
There are so many and for so many reasons, you’ve probably noticed I hate having to pick just one option!
I love Patrick Demarchelier, His black and white images are just so beautiful. But then I love the diversity that Rankin puts out, he seems to be able to shoot anything amazingly well.
But I equally love Ben Hassett’s beauty photography, or Kesler Tran’s fashion nudes!