Interview with Mathilde Bresson
Tell us a little bit about you?
I was born and raised in France. At the age of 23, I packed up my camera and moved to Los Angeles.
Where is home?
Home is in Los Angeles. It’s my new home and new life.
If you could live anywhere on this awesome planet, where would you build your dream home?
My dream home would be in LA, with all my friends and family from France.
What sort of work do you specialise in?
I am working for different fashion brands creating lookbooks/catalogs, lifestyle storytelling, launching fashion ad campaigns and producing magazine editorials. All about fashion
Model: Lyzy Adler @lyzyalder @LAMODELS
Photo: Mathilde Bresson @mathildebresson
Video: Rudy Vermorel @rudyvermorel
Makeup: Sifa Sitani @makeupbysifa
Hair: Matilde Campos @tildebymatilde
Wadrobe: ANAMA @anamausa
Did you go to school to study photography?
No I didn’t. I went to commerce school. Self taught and self made, I have honed in my skills and believe that they are now represented in my work.
How long have you been a photographer?
About 5 years.
As a child I was constantly creating art through paintings and drawings. Often times I would find myself daydreaming about shapes, colors and far away places. One day I picked up a camera and essentially fell in love. My friends and family joke that I can always be found behind the lens of a camera. I grew to love photography. I was able to convey my vision by the aid of a camera. I felt empowered.
How would you describe your style?
I enjoy working with natural light and movement in order to capture the magic of a single fashion moment.
What type of cameras do you shoot with?
Canon ( 7D, 5D iii, DS)
Model: Malaika
Photo: Mathilde Bresson @mathildebresson
MUA & Hair: Charlotte Prevel
Wardrobe: ANAMA
If you had to choose one lens which one would it be and why?
I would choose the 50mm. I have started with this lens, I did all my first photoshoot with this magic lens. And I love using fixed lens (50,35,85… ).
Are you a MAC or PC lover?
What gives you ideas and inspires you to create such great imagery?
I’m a photographer who LOVES to capture beautifully lit fashion, to warm and expressive lifestyle. I can be inspired by a music, a clothing style, music video, a makeup. I also use Pinterest a lot.
I am not someone who is really influenced by others people. I like a lot of pictures of course, I am fascinated by those pictures in the magazines.
What has been your most memorable assignment and why?
We recently shoot a lookbook for a clothing brand called ANAMA. We went to Big bear for 2 days with an amazing team and I love the atmosphere of a passionate and funny team doing their best to make the pictures looks perfect.
Photo: Mathilde Bresson @mathildebresson
Model: Rachel Ford @itsrachelford @NEXTMODELSLA
Video: Rudy Vermorel @rudyvermorel
Makeup: Sparkle tafao @sparkletafao
Hair: Matilde Campos @tildebymatilde
Wadrobe: ANAMA @anamausa
What is your favourite image you have shot recently? Can you describe its creation in regards to location, lighting, composition etc., also your thoughts when creating the image and what it means to you?
I always feel like my last image is the best! I love the images from the big bear photoshoot. The location was amazing with the beautiful lake and I was lucky with the light. There was a light cloud just perfect to apply a natural filter on her. I wanted everything pure, light and white.
A photographer who inspires you?
I love Mario testino, Ellen Von Unwerth, Andrew Yee, David Lachapelle of course.
But I can’t really say they influence me. I just love their work, they makes me feel like I want to do more and more, think about all the details, the style…
Model laura Gude
Photo: Mathilde Bresson
MUA: Claudia Michelle
Hair: Taylor Bond
Wardrobe: ANAMA