When setting up a band, you want to make sure you get off to the best start possible. There are many ways to do this and get your band noticed at the same time, so you’re killing two birds with one stone.
Make sure you have some cash to get started
Whether you’ve run a Kickstarter, or you’ve just got what each of the members has cobbled together, starting off on a strong financial footing will put you in a stronger position than the majority of bands out there.
In the very beginning, if you don’t have the disposable income already, you could even choose to apply for a loan to get you started. Have a look at FCA regulated broker websites such as CashLady to see how much you may be able to borrow. This money might then be used to buy necessary instruments and the best amps, help with the costs of recording or marketing, or even rent out a small space that you can use as a practicing studio instead of your lead guitarist’s garage.
Ensure your band is also a brand
Use social media for advertising your band. Advertising is a key process for any band or business, and social media is a free tool that you can use to promote your band. By using Instagram, you can give live updates on what your band is up to via interviews, interaction with your fans, and create a strong community amongst your followers.
Instagram is also a great way to reach people on an international stage through the use of trends and hashtags as shown here on Wordstream. Another thing you might want to utilise is services like Twitter to get out announcements and news bulletins in regards to your band’s next gig and locations.
Don’t forget your captive audience
The next thing you will need to focus on is promoting your band to friends and family. This may sound pushy, but by doing this, you are making yourself known, especially if you are part of a large social group who all enjoy music.
This can be a great way to get your band name known in your local area, and news spreads fast among young people. This can help with your Instagram following and social media coverage and is great for publicity.
Another thing you can do to help get your band noticed is to perform at as many events as you can. Local festivals are a great way to get your name out there, and street performances in your local towns and cities can be a great way to get yourself known to the general public.
By covering rock favourites or just catchy pop songs that have recently been on the charts, or even something a little more seasonal, you can get your band name noticed. There’s bound to be a good handful of people who like your music, so you are likely to make a few fans.
Final thoughts
There are so many ways for your band to get noticed, whether it’s performing at a local event, or you’re promoting yourself to friends and family, or on social media, or it’s just getting your finances up to make your big break. All of these things can be great tools to use when getting your band up and running.