“It’s Christmas…” is an all-encompassing hug, a track that radiates warmth and positivity. Complete with sleigh bells, stunning strings and kids on backing vocals, it sounds like an instant classic, one that can slot right next to the legendary Christmas songs we know and love.
At the end of what has been one of the most tumultuous periods in living memory, a year of disconnection and uncertainty, “It’s Christmas…” is the perfect slice of escapism, in the hope that for this Christmas period we can all think about what we love and cherish.
Charlie says of the track:
‘There are two songs I have always dreamed to achieve: a Christmas song and a Bond song! There’s always room for an uplifting, positive message and a big sing along chorus … after all the stuff that’s gone down, it’s time to get happy and celebrate’
Charlie Freeman’s new album “Freedom” is set for release next Summer and is truly his best work, an album full of indie pop-rock perfection. Charlie Freeman is a unique proposition, a charismatic, louche rock n roll star living in Notting Hill. He has performed on TV multiple times and throws open his home on Portobello Road to the creative community around him. His home has hosted acoustic shows and photography talks, music healings and serves as a base for his Freeman Foundation, where he is able to offer support to those new musicians and artists from less fortunate backgrounds.
He has recently set up a state-of-the-art home studio, and has many exciting new projects and artists lined up for the New Year.